Apply to Exhibit
Our programme is now full for Asian Woman Festival 2020.
If you'd like to know of future opportunities please complete the form below.
Artists are invited to submit their interest in exhibiting a range of disciplines including:
fine art
digital media
In addition to our festival exhibition, we will also be work with galleries to exhibit selected pieces.
Tips for applying:
We recommend completing the form on a computer instead of mobile due to the nature of the questions. Click here to open the form in a new window.
Applying does not guarantee your application will be accepted. The decision of the festival content team is final.
Partially completed applications will be rejected - fill in all fields with complete and edited information.
Do not enter things like: "Will send later" - everything you wish to tell us must be included in your application form
The form must be completed by the person wishing to apply to exhibit - we do not accept nominations
All details provided are confidential and for internal use only by the Asian Woman Festival.
Eligibility and conditions
Any artist over 18 may submit
This opportunity is open to all British Asian artists (including South and East Asian artists and all gender identities including men)
Work must not have been previously exhibited at the Asian Woman Festival
Artists are responsible for their own work at all times, including during the exhibition
It is your choice if you wish your work to be for sale or not
All Works must be exhibition-ready
All Works must be an original creation by the artist
The artist accepts and agrees that all works in the exhibition may be photographed and/or reproduced for: the catalogue, press, publicity, promotion and advertising of the Asian Woman Festival and/or its activities and/or its exhibitions in all territories in perpetuity.